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Deal Updater can be used to update various data points in Loan, MNA, DCM, and ECM deals.

Step 1. Prepare Update Files

Depending on the deal type (Loan, MNA, DCM, ECM), a unique update file has to be created as an input for the tool.

If you wish to update only eids (replace entities) in deals, Deal Updater can auto-generate the update files for you.
If you wish to update any other data points in deals, you need to upload a custom update file.

1. 1. Generate Update Files - for entity replacement only

In order to update eids in deals, create an Excel file of .xlsx format with two columns:

  1. old_val: list of old eids you wish to update
  2. new_val: list of new eids

Use this file as input to generate your update files for all deal types. After selecting this file, click generate and you should see the generated update files within a few seconds. Feel free to download them if you wish.

1. 2. Upload Custom Update Files - for any supported data point

In order to update data points other than eids in deals, you need to create a custom update file that is tailored to the deal type of interest.

The custom update file needs to be an Excel file of .xlsx format and its name has to include the deal type you wish to update with it - "dcm", "ecm", "mna", or "loan".

Given the deal type, custom update files need to have the following columns:


There are five columns in the DCM update file:

  1. deal_id: fill in the deal number that you want to update
  2. tranche: fill in the tranche number that you want to update under the deal
    - if the data point is a deal level data point, fill in 0
    - if you want to update the same data point for all tranches under the deal, fill in "all"
  3. field: the data point that you want to update. You must fill in the exact same data point name listed in the Supported Data Points list
  4. old_val: old value of the data point
  5. new_val: new value of the data point

Notice For old_val and new_val:

  • date should be in *mm/dd/yyyy* format
  • for company name, use either company id or company's proper name

Screenshot of an example input file



There are five columns in the ECM update file:

  1. field: two fields are supported: "ListingId" and "FinancialSponsor_Id"
  2. deal_id: fill in the deal number that you want to update
  3. tranche: fill in the tranche number that you want to update under the deal; or fill in "all+deal" for updating listing ID info in all the tranche level data and deal level data; fill in 0 or leave it blank if it is a deal level data
  4. old_val: old value of the data point
  5. new_val: new value of the data point

Screenshot of an example input file



There are five columns in the MNA update file:

  1. deal_id: fill in the deal number that you want to update
  2. Level: choose from `Targets, Acquirors, Divestors, Advisors`
    - only support `Id` in these levels
    - deal level data points have not been supported
  3. field: only `Id` is supported
  4. old_val: old value of the data point
  5. new_val: new value of the data point

Notice For old_val and new_val:

  • for company name, use either company id or company's proper name


There are five columns in the Loan update file:

  1. deal_id: fill in the deal number that you want to update
  2. tranche: fill in the tranche number that you want to update under the deal
    - if the data point is a deal level data point, leave it blank or fill in 0
    - if you want to update the same data point for all tranches under the deal, fill in "all"
  3. field: the data point that you want to update. You must fill in the exact same data point name listed in the Supported Data Points list
  4. old_val: old value of the data point
  5. new_val: new value of the data point

Notice For old_val and new_val:

  • date should be in *mm/dd/yyyy* format
  • for company name, use either company id or company's proper name

Screenshot of an example input file


Step 2: Select Deal Type

If you have uploaded a custom update file, the deal type is automatically selected for you.

For auto-generated update files, the selected deal type by default is 'All Deal Types', which means that all deals included in the generated update files will be updated. If you would like only a specific deal type to be updated, you can select that as well.

Step 3: Update

Click update and wait for the process to finish. Do not close the tab until it is done.

Once the update is complete, download the file(s) containing the update results for each deal.

Supported Data Points


Deal Level


  • IssuerId
  • NationalityId
  • GeneralMarketId
  • MtnIssueTypeId
  • MtnIssueTypeOldId
  • principle_paying_agency
  • use_of_proceeds
  • ProgrammeId
  • FinancialSponsor_Id


  • announcement_date
  • PricingComplexDate
  • SettlementComplexDate


  • IsProgramme
  • IsInvestmentGrade
  • IsProgramme
  • IsShelf
  • SECRegistrationNumber
  • SECAccessionNumber

Tranche Level


  • MarketTypeId
  • IssueTypeId
  • IsInternationalMarket
  • IsHighYield
  • BearerRegisteredId
  • SeniorityId
  • GreenBondType
    - input: choose from "green, social, sustainablity" or choose from "1, 2, 3" (IDs for the three types)
    - no need to input anything in old_val
  • CurrencyId


  • FirstCouponDate
  • InterestAccrualDate
  • MaturityComplexDate


  • IsSubordinated
  • IsFungible
  • IsCollateralized
  • CurrencyAmount
  • IssuePricePercentage
  • bookrunner_name
  • coupon_rate
  • ListingId


Deal Level


  • InternalNote
  • IndicativeFeePercentage
  • DealNote
  • companies (update EID regardless of its role)
  • Borrower (update EID of the borrower)
  • Loan_sponsor (update EID of the loan sponsor)


  • AnnouncementDate
  • SigningDate


  • TypeId
  • RelatedDCMDealId
  • RelatedECMDealId

Tranche Level


  • bookrunner_name
  • TrancheValue


  • MaturityComplexDate
  • CancelledDate


  • CurrencyId
  • PaymentFrequencyId
  • MarketTypeId
  • use_of_proceeds


All levels

  • ExchangeId

Targets Level

  • Id
  • TagIds
  • Individuals
  • ExchangeIds

Acquirors Level

  • Id
  • TagIds
  • Individuals
  • ExchangeIds

Divertors Level

  • Id
  • TagIds
  • Individuals
  • ExchangeIds

Advisors Level

  • Id
  • ClientId
  • Individuals

AcquiringSubsidiaries Level

  • Id
  • Individuals


  • Id
  • Individuals

Challenges Level

  • ChallengerId


Deal Level

  • ListingIds

Tranche Level

  • ExchangeId